Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Band. If you have never taken part in a band class (not guitars, drums and lead vocals, but rather, woodwinds, brass and percussion.) then I am here to attempt to describe the warm, fuzzy feeling instilled in one by band. You always know you can count on those students whom opt to play in your average middle or high school band. Although the concerts are deplorable (at least ours are), the feeling of being a part of something can not be taken away, no matter how off-key that one kid is. In the classes leading up to the concert as warm up and chat with your section you feel a certain excited apprehension. As the band director yells at you to please be quiet and you feel that sinking sensation, we're never going to be ready for the concert but you smile in spite of yourself because band is just so darn fun, that you don't care.

Passionately yours, 
P.S. For more positive testimony's of band check out the blog Barking Spiders.